Monday, November 24, 2008

Movie ~ The Other Boleyn Girl

As usual I am behind in watching movies, maybe I spend to much time reading :)
A thumbs up for bringing History to the big screen, normally these films do not do well at the box office, but I believe it brings a new audience and fans to the genre of Historical Fiction.

Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn't. Mark Twain

I always try and read a book before I watch the movie, Hollywood loves to put their spin on things and add and delete great parts. The movie was fast and skipped many scenes, but overall I enjoyed the movie and the character choices. Many more books have been written on Anne Boleyn girl and plan to obtain and read them.

The sister who won his heart........... Nothing sister! Except sing your praises and talk about my husband.

The sister who stole his heart....... Younger than me, more beautiful than me, married before me. I'm eclipsed! *I'm* the other Boleyn girl.

Click photo to view trailer

1 comment:

Annette said...

Thank you Melanie for being a follower on my blog. I really enjoy historical fiction, I have a few more books to post on but will be slow going this week because of Thanksgiving. I have a book to read on Mary Tudor, and a few books on Rasputin and Lenin, and Russian Revolution.
Happy Thanksgiving!